My friend Maddy Avena used the term "wring out the old and ring in the new," which I think is delightful. On this snow storm day in my little New England home, I used the found free time to program and follow a 140 minute practice using Shiva Rea's media. Shiva is my favorite yogini, I find her practices to have a range from healing to challenging, her fluid approach is a salve to stiff joints and clogged emotions, and her DVD media is
visually beautiful. All of her A/V media is backed up with glorious soundtracks.
My close of 2008 practice consisted of:
Yoga Shakti:
- Surya Meditation
- Classical Suraya Namaskar
Radiant Heart:
- Bonus Twisting Krya
- Bonus Jala Namaskar
- Full Radiant Heart practice
Yoga Shakti:
- Forward bends and twists
- Inversions
- Pranayama
- Meditation
- Savasana
1 comment:
I love you, Pat. You are Strong and Good, Right and Beautiful. May Goddess take and hold your hand as you walk your RA path. May yoga continue to inspire and heal your body, mind and spirit.
I walk with you if you'll have me.
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