Reflections on my Yogic Journey in 2008, among other things. On 12/31/07 I was beginning the exploration into my first Svadyaya (self discovery) through a 40 Sadhana (practice - path toward goal). An online mentor loaned me a book that had been in her family for years - it was her parents' volume, in fact. Iyengar: His Life and Works was an eye opener for me not only on BKS Iyengar but on yoga in general, and the connections between yoga and Ayurveda through the book's little primer written by BKS' sister, Geeta. This kind mentor also turned me on to John Friend and Anusara yoga which has been a big help.
One of the portions of the book discussed Iyengar working with people with arthritis, including a case study of a man who used daily practices to literally break through his "calcifications." Hey - it can work. I embarked on this first Svadyaya/Sadhana with great hope and confidence. At midnight on 12/31/07 - 01/01/08, I went outside and walked through the neighborhood, thinking of all kinds of new possibilities in store. I'd joined a yoga studio and the owner was telling us that the numbers were lined up for a year of sweeping global change. I didn't stop to think that the global change could maybe not be for the better. Or maybe, it is the end of old ways going down kicking and screaming? New Year's Day 2008 found me at an intention setting ceremony in that yoga studio, which was enjoyable and seeded me with high hopes and a long list of goals. I walked out on a bliss cloud, visualizing good health and fortune, and ended up getting almost immediately sick. That rebounded and rebounded until it ended up as pneumonia and lingering chest pain; I whacked out my hip hiking; my chronic condition came out of remission; husband lost his job; now mine could go any day. But amazingly through it all I kept up a steady yoga practice and I don't know if it's the yoga, but usually these types of situations would have me a hysterical wreck. I seem to be handling it better.
2008 wasn't all doom and gloom, I'd reached a point of having great success with asana and freeing up a lot of stuck and stiff spots - after this flare calms down, I'm looking forward to getting back to that place. Breaking down those calcifications again. I'm going back to the studio's intention ceremony tomorrow but leaving my rose tinted spectacles home. I won't view the practices with cynicism; rather through a humbled viewpoint. My simple intention is to keep practicing yoga and expanding on what I learn, and hope that each little lesson can carry me through another day making the best of it that I can.
Happy New Year! I know a lot of us have experienced setbacks in 2008 - illnesses, financial woes, loss of loved ones, careers, life upheavals. It seems there was more than the usual bad fortune going around. I hope all of you have a good year ahead. We can hope! Namaste - may peace shine down upon us.
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